Latest News | ServiceZoid

Revolutionize Your FSM

Revolutionize Your Field Service Management with ServiceZoid Managing field services can be a logistical nightmare. From scheduling appointments to documenting work and managing customer data, the administrative burden can eat into valuable time that could be spent on actual service delivery.

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New version - ServiceZoid

ServiceZoid is available for download in the new version 1.0.18. Improvements Users and operating times The qualification level can now be specified for the users.

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Idea to craftsman report app

How we came up with the idea of ServiceZoid. It was a few days before Christmas and during a private conversation with a heating / plumbing master.

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HowTo: Create a customer

There are currently 3 ways to create new customers in ServiceZoid. From the customer list via the menu From the report form Via the settings and the CSV import Create customers via the customer list In order to create the customer via the customer list, you just have to press the “+” button and you get to the Customer form to create a new customer.

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