HowTo: Create a customer

There are currently 3 ways to create new customers in ServiceZoid.

  1. From the customer list via the menu
  2. From the report form
  3. Via the settings and the CSV import

Create customers via the customer list

In order to create the customer via the customer list, you just have to press the “+” button and you get to the Customer form to create a new customer. There you store the customer’s basic data and press save.

Create customers using the report form

The second way is via the report form. You can search for a customer there and should you not find the customer, you can create a customer there directly using the “+” button. Here, too, you simply enter the customer’s basic data and press save. Then you are back in report form.

Create customers via import

Screenshot Customer Import

With the CSV import you can import and create a large number of customers directly. The import is easy, the file just needs to have the appropriate structure, you select the file and press import. The structure of the file can easily be adjusted using a spreadsheet program such as Excel or LibreOffice Calc .

A line in the CSV file should have the following structure: “clientNumber”;“name”;“firstname”;“lastname”;“phone”;“email”;“address”;“postalcode”;“city”;“country”;“notRequireSignature”


"C001";"Example Company";"Joe";"Doe";"+49 123 45689";"";"Examplestreet 123";"12345";"Examplecity";"Examplecountry";"1"